I’m already starting to think about taxes as we try to make our last minute donations to organizations. This year we took a moment to try to decide what was important to us and made sure that we add some of these organizations in our donation plans. Next year, our plan is to hit some of the places we haven’t hit in a few years. The girls also had an opportunity to donate household items and clothing today.

Last year, I used H&R Block to do our taxes. It was pretty simple and I was finished by the first week in February. So we had our returns before President’s Day. I think it is the most efficient I have ever been.

Most of the H&R Block Products are deeply discounted. It’s up to 5 federal e-files. And software for 1 state, but you pay additional price to file state.

H&R Block At Home Premium (Online)

H&R Block At Home Premium (Online)