by alichava | Nov 28, 2016 | Jewelry
It’s #CyberMonday and there are lots of deals to be had. My inbox is buzzing like crazy.
Here is a newer fitness tracker that you may not be aware of. The misfit.
Misfit Flash $11.99 – (Misfit)
- Automatically tracks steps, distance, calories, and light and restful sleep
- Splashproof disc with red LED progress and time display
- Smart button enabled to control connected household devices
- Wirelessly syncs with paired smartphone to upload data
- Non-charging, replaceable battery lasts up to 6 months
Misfit Official Store: For a Limited Time, New Customers get $10 off all orders of $50 or more with coupon code “BEAMISFIT”. Shop Now!
Check it out!
by alichava | Nov 18, 2016 | Amazon, Lunch, Menu Plan
My husband wrote about some of the thinking that went into our lunch planning with the kids. I figured I should write a follow-up blog about what our results were and some of the specific hacks we have used. I hope you will also share the ideas you come up with.
I created a Pinterest Board so I could save all the ideas that I have found on the internet. I am a visual person and there are so many great ideas. We went through the board with our kids and created our own list.
Here is the list we came up with:

We also set up time on Friday afternoons or Sundays to prepare as many snacks as possible for both Shabbat and the week. It may just mean taking down the box of pretzels from above the washing machine and dryer or it might mean packing individual bags for the week. We have the kids put together enough of the snacks that they want to eat during the week, so when they are prepping their lunches they can just pull the kinds of food they want.
We use EasyLunchboxes for the containers. It easily divides their container into three different areas and then they put their snacks for the morning and the afternoon on top of the container in their lunchbox. I think we will need to invest in at least one thermos for some of the new ideas that they have come up with.
Our older kids go to a school that is not nut-free. I have to say that this is amazing. I love the approach they have taken to having individual classrooms that school are nut free/sesame free. The lunch room, however, is not nut free. And its a real game-changer for my 3rd grader who eats in the lunchroom. She is able to take carrots & hummus, a peanut butter sandwich, etc. It just adds to the variety of options she has. It also teaches her a lesson to be respectful of her peers and make sure her snacks or birthday treats follow the limitations of the rest of the kids in her classroom.
Please share the ideas you come up with.